3 ways to get the most out of an informational interview
Author Richard Moy for The Muse on Mashable It became clear to me very quickly when I was a recruiter that one of the most misunderstood facets of the interview process is the informational interview. [...]
5 career-boosting reasons you should volunteer (in addition to being a good person)
Author Kat Boogaard for The Muse You put a lot into your job hunt. You tweak your resume, polish your LinkedIn profile, research companies, and brush up on your interview skills as needed. But, what [...]
11 creative ways to make your job application stand out
From the Young Entrepreneur Council for The Muse Face it: Most resumes and cover letters are pretty boring (yours included). When a hiring manager is trying to get through dozens (or hundreds) of job applications, [...]
25 little ways to get closer to your dream job this week
Author Adrian Granzella Larssen from Mashable Changing careers is a big, scary feat. Scratch that. A huge, terrifying feat. When your dream job has pretty much nothing to do with what you’ve been working toward [...]
45 free online classes you can take (and finish) by the end of this year
Author Kate Moon from Mashable No matter where you’re at in your career, learning something new can only help you. Looking for a new job? A unique skill could easily set you apart from the [...]
Should you tell interviewers the truth — or what they want to hear?
Author Katie Douthwaite Wolf on Mashable. When it comes to interviews, job seekers often fear off-the-wall questions, awkward interviewers, or accidentally showing up late. But there’s another stressor that can be just as crippling: You’re [...]